Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chinese restaurant in Tianjin

For those of you who were tickled by the previous post, this is what we eventually ate that night:
Chicken strips with tofu skin

Sauteed beef pieces with garlic and capsicum - this was quite nice. The beef was very tender.

Here's the pork aspic with sea soning! As someone pointed out in my previous post, aspic means jelly. It had an interesting flavour....I had a few pieces.

This was something like a mix between an elongated guo tie and a shao bing.

Tang hoon, chives and veggies all fried up and topped with an omelette (the menu probably had a much sexier name like Long Slender Bean String with Green Threads under Golden Pillow)

Chicken cartilege - this was nicely seasoned with a bit of dried chilli. The cartilege was nice and crunchy.

Tanghoon with prawns.

Various duck spare parts...I didn't touch this dish at all. Ugh.

Prawns cooked in almost the same sauce as the chicken cartilege. Decent, but ordinary by the time it arrived.

Small baby cabbage

Not sure how come someone ordered a western-style salad

In China, they eat their Peking duck with a biscuit-type bread, or shao bing.

The various Peking duck accessories - they even had apple strips.

The best part of the duck - the skin! This was a pretty fatty duck though...not like Da Dong (pics to follow in subsequent post)

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