The husband had to work on New Year's Day, and I decided that I was bored enough to cook dinner for him and his team. I had some lovely lup cheong that I had not had the chance to use, and after googling for recipes with lup cheong, found a good one for Claypot Rice. Fortunately I had some really nice mushrooms too. These were gorgeous.

I bought shaoxing hua diao wine from Tianjin in this super cool bottle a couple of years ago. Fortunately it keeps forever.

I also wanted to do a roast pork in anticipation of CNY coming. Gotta practice. This was the lor bak marinade.

With black soy sauce that we had read from reviews was really good, which we found in Malaysia

Salting the pork skin to dry it out

Piercing the underside to make sure the marinade seeped in

Steeping it in and ready to dry out for a couple of hours

The mushrooms soaked and sliced. I kept the liquid for cooking the rice.

The lap cheong looking unhealthy before slicing

Even more unhealthy after slicing

I marinated the chicken thighs in a medley of oyster sauce, sesame oil, shaoxing wine, sugar, pepper, soy sauce and a few ginger slices.

Fried the mushroom lapcheong chicken mixture for about 5 mins on the stove, before putting it on top of the rice in the rice cooker.

And blanched some kailan to assuage some of the guilt

Had a pot of watercress pork rib soup on the side

2 hours later, the pork was done : )

I mixed the chicken mixture into the rice, and let it cook for about 20 mins more, with chicken stock and some of the mushroom water.

The final product, albeit in a plastic container.

I tried some myself and it was pretty good, I have to say! Next stop, Sia Huat for a claypot : )