Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pineapple Tarts - 新年快乐!

Christmas is barely over, and now it's almost Chinese New Year. In anticipation of CNY, however, I was keen to learn how to make pineapple tarts and I had a fantastic colleague who kindly gave up her Sunday morning to come over to my place to teach me how.

Here's the pineapple being skinned.
After the skin and eyes had all been removed.
Slicing it up into smaller pieces.
You only want the pulp, not the juice. So the easiest way is to juice it, and retain the pulp.
And then, there's a need to strain it further.
We put the entire lot of pulp from 5 pineapples into a huge pot, with pandan leaves.
And cooked it over a low flame.
And stirred.
After about an hour (!!), we put in some white sugar
And stirred some more
And some more....until the pineapple mixture was a lovely golden brown
Time for the flour - shortcrust pastry
My colleague trying desperately to salvage the flour.
Anyway, oh well. So we proceeded to make the tart bases with her amazing contraption.
Filling it with dough
And voila, the base is done
It looks easy but it's not!
Our bases ready to be filled with pineapple filling
See this is really beautiful
Take about a 15cm diameter ball and stick it on top
She even had little cute moulds to make heart tops
And there you go!
新年快乐,万事如意 :)


  1. Ooooh! I came home from Bintan at 11pm on Sunday to find the house smelling of pineapple too. My siblings were experimenting with some funky new dough cutter but fell miserably short of expectations. Tarts tasted great too.

    Love the little hearts on top. My siblings made crosses... but I noticed one tart with a tick instead today. Someone must have been feeling negative about the crosses and decided to look for affirmation instead!

    1. Heh. I didn't manage to make any for CNY because my oven decided to breathe its last, strategically on CNY eve! Which was when I was planning to go shopping for pineapples...oh well
