Thursday, May 30, 2013

Batam Orphanage: Yet More Cooking

We managed to cook a few more exciting things for the children over the past few months. We had a very ambitious weekend, followed by a very cautious and conservative approach the following month. 

First, the ambitious one. It was an insane menu of sayur lodeh, fried chicken and tong shui. First up, the sayur lodeh. Cabbage all chopped up.

Followed by the frying of pounded dried shrimp

Waiting to be cooked in a large pot, with curry paste and lemongrass

Flour and curry spice for marinating the chicken

Perfection in progress

The sayur lodeh on the way, after adding long beans and carrots

Then we chucked the cabbage in

In the meantime, we also started the tongshui with barley, winter melon strips and dried longans

Tau kwa being fried on the side

And the first of the 20 chickens being fried - not pieces, mind you. 20 whole chickens.

In went the fried tau kwa into the mixture

After about an hour of boiling, we added dried tofu strips

The production line

Plus onion omelette as a side dish.

Yummy ayam goreng

Waiting to be served

The food was good, but way too plentiful. So on the subsequent visit, we decided to make it simple and yummy with gaeng khiaw wan gaai, or Thai green chicken curry. We did a round of shopping at Golden Mile the weekend before.

First, we threw in about 3 litres of coconut milk into the pot

Heated it up, then added 2 kg of green curry paste into the coconut milk

Followed by daun limau perut, lemongrass and 15 chickens (we really scaled down)

I also threw in some carrots for extra fibre and colour, although it wasn't a standard green curry item

Followed by brinjal all chopped up - we used about 10 - and fresh Thai basil that I bought from the market the day before

Plus a khai dao, or fried egg, on the side - we fried 50 eggs and it wasn't enough

And an Indonesian variation on the dish - the addition of bakso. The dish was a complete success, unfortunately attributed to the bakso more than anything. But all that mattered was that the kids were super happy : )

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