Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More China food

I've been pretty busy lately, and was just in China again last week where I was unable to access blogger. Because of the people I was eating with most of the time, it wasn't totally appropriate to photograph my food. But here's a shot of my 2nd visit to the Beijing chicken wing place 2 weeks later, this time with 3 eating companions so I could order more : )

Finally a picture menu! No need to figure out what the handwritten scribbles mean

We ordered 3 different types: normal spicy (chilli on one side), garlic as well as honey.

Left to right: Garlic, normal spicy and honey. I loved the spicy one the best...just a small amount of sichuan pepper but not overwhelming heat.


  1. these wings look amazing...wonder if they have a branch in shanghai?

  2. Kinda overdue - just saw this post - but they have such places all over Beijing. Just that this one was a lot closer to our hotel near Guomao.
