Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wittamer, Brussels

Brussels is synonymous with beer, mussels, fries and chocolate - while the first 2 appeal to me more, the last 2 appeal more to my husband. So on our first evening in Brussels, we went to Wittamer for a pre-dinner drink of hot chocolate, which my husband had been craving ever since our last trip there. I recently discovered macarons (yes rather late I know) and was dying to try their macarons, which came in a box of 5 for 7 Euros.

These were lovely, with a light crisp outer shell and soft fluffy interior. Almost too pretty to eat.

The husband had an ice cream sundae named a Dame Blanche ou Noir, which had scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream covered in chocolate sauce. Unbelievably rich and sweet and pleasurable.

Their hot chocolate was like heaven in a cup - the first sip brought to mind memories of the chocolate waterfall in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story; rich, sweet, full of warmth and goodness.

This was just the beginning of a gastronomically fantastic 4 days in Brussels. More posts to come!


  1. Oh, I remember the Wittamer hot chocolate! I think my parents bought a set of 12 sachets in different flavours from their trip: milk, dark, white, caramel. It lasted for ages cos each sachet could make at least 2 cups of thick cocoa and I treasured each one like crazy. So yummy!

  2. I feel really dumb now. I never thought of buying take home packs!! Arggh
