As a die hard foodie, I've always regretted never working in a restaurant, whether as a kitchen hand, waitress or dishwasher. The closest experience was working in a kitchen during Easter Camp 2000 cooking round the clock for 300 hungry campers, but peeling potatoes and skinning chickens was more memorable for the fun with friends rather than the kitchen experience gained.
So I decided it was time to learn how a restaurant was run, and volunteered to waitress at a friend's restaurant last Saturday night for free. After donning a black apron, I had about one hour to memorise the menu, table numbers and reservation list for the night. My most memorable moment was waiting on the table of my old pri sch+sec sch+JC classmate who was celebrating her birthday at the very same restaurant that night by complete coincidence, which we both found extremely hilarious.
After being on my feet for 5 hours, I concluded on the following points:
1. It's much easier to be behind the table than behind the counter.
2. Being nice to the serving staff is very important. It can determine whether you eat food from the serving bench or food from the floor; and
3. Some people will eat your leftovers if you leave them on the plate!

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