Saturday, November 27, 2010

Japanese Snacks 3

The mother spent a month in Tokyo with the sister, and came back with various knick knacks for us to try.

There was a persimmon snack - dried persimmon wrapped beautifully in really nice wrapping paper.

This was way too sweet for my liking though.

What we really liked was the Camembert mochi - this was the first time we had ever seen this.

It looked like normal mochi on the outside

But with a cream cheese centre! This was quite yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I LOVE mochi! *hyperventilate* Dan brought back a couple of boxes from his recent trip too - green tea and mandarin (I think - or maybe persimmon, now that I've read your entry here...) Tad too sweet. But so deliciously soft! Chewy little pillows!
