Monday, August 10, 2009

Working meals

Working meetings in our partner's office usually involve lunch being hosted as well. Compared to the last time, lunch this time was a little bit better in that we probably had about half the amount of alcohol. I didn't photograph every course, but here are some random photos:

Scallop with black bean sauce and vermicelli

Sliced shellfish - possibly abalone - with tomato sauce (slightly strange but interesting)

fried mushrooms and other mushroom-like stalks - this was pretty good.

Sang choy bow. The only time I've eaten this dish outside Australia!

One of the downsides of eating in China...people smoking continuously. I noticed that this brand of cigarettes in English was called Lesser Panda (?!)

Steamed fish

kai lan
fried rice with curry powder. Similar to Singapore Fried Noodles (found in Australia also)

combo of tuber, corn and strange flour bun
noodles - similar to the home made la mian variety.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we used to LOVE the xin zhou chao mi fen near Dan's apt in Beijing when he was working there - pretty good with the curry powder. Haven't seen it anywhere else since.

    We LOVE telling the travellers we meet that there is no such thing as Singapore Noodles and Singapore Fried Rice in Singapore. Hahaha... whenever we mention that we're from Spore, some ang moh will inevitably go "Oh, I love Singapore Noodles..." It's so silly, it's hilarious.

    Yeah, we have to put up with people smoking during meal times too. Not in restaurants, but in the dining area in hostels. It's a pain having to carry our food around the hostel looking for a smoke-free place to eat.
