A friend recommended that I try out Luk Yu for the old school in-the-mood-for-love atmosphere, and so I headed there on a Sunday afternoon just after 3 to avoid the lunch time crowd.

No English menu available - I had to decipher the Chinese text and work out what sounded good.

Loved the cutlery.

Of the 4 items I ordered, I only knew 2 dishes - the har kow and spring rolls. The others were quite a surprise.

Beefballs made from mince - these were quite tasty and tender.

I liked the spring rolls too - they came crispy hot

The har kow was really good quality. I wouldn't have minded another serve but couldn't be bothered waiting. Plus I had an egg tart mission to fulfil.

Some sort of soon kueh thing. Not too bad but not very memorable, since I can't even recall what it tasted like.

Dipping sauces

Great for morning yumcha. Best visited in a group of 4 people.
24 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hours : 7am - 10pm
Telephone : 852-2523 5464
they give you wooden chopsticks?!?!